Delivery Management Software (DMS)

Delivery Management Software (DMS) is a digital logistics tool used for planning, managing, optimizing, and executing delivery activities. It is a tool used to streamline the delivery process from beginning to end.



Key Features:

Track your delivery performance from one place. Monitor the number of orders that need to be dispatched and track your delivery success from the first attempt.

Role-based permissions
Provide the right level of  access to administrators and staff.

Digital delivery log
Establish a record of when packages arrive, when they’re retrieved, and packages awaiting pickup.

Package notifications
Automatically receive email notifications for the packages.

Quickly scan labels
Scan the barcode on each package.

Tracking for end customer
Customers can track the package status by themselves.

COD Management
Cash on delivery solution for your delivery operation management, with a finance settlement option. Track the cash flow from the point of order creation until the final destination.

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